Share, Discover & Use the best ChatGPT prompts on the internet. Prompto is here to turn you into a ChatGPT superhero.
With GPT-4 just around the corner, what are your expectations? GPT-3 was trained on 175,000,000,0...
If you want ChatGPT to give you the sections and topics simply ask the the following
Will make ChatGPT act like a JS console when using it. Must contain "console.log" somewhere, otherwise it will reject it. Supports almost everything.
The prompt is designed to help ChatGPT better understand the goals and objectives of the user, and to generate a prompt that includes all the relevant information, context, and data that was provided. The prompt is optimized for GPT interactions, ensuring
Educational purposes
Act as a senior Salesforce Developer
You can search the Doctors list according to their Profession.
A wise therapist with a composite personality built from the lives of many extraordinary people and the lives they've lived.
Insta captions
I'm looking for an Instagram caption that will educate my followers on raw dog feeding and persuade them to take follow my Instagram account.
you need to replace {{{job}}},{{{name}}},{{{describe he/she/it}}},{{{introduce}}} and it will act as that person this prompt have favorability count and will supply you chat suggestion. it may work around 10~13 time in gpt3 not tested in gpt3.5/4